Panther Tattoo
The black panther tattoo is a representation of the beast that is the largest and most ferocious cat of the Americas. When comparing body size, the panther is even a more fierce predator then even a lion or wolf. So it is a natural representation of strength and aggression. But, what does a panther tattoo featuring this beast fighting a snake mean? Let’s take a closer look. The natural features of the black panther impart the symbolism of a great warrior ready for battle. The snake, on the other hand, is representative of evil and treachery. So the panther fighting the snake design, as depicted in the photo, represents the triumph of the spirit over the forces of evil. Evil of course can mean different things to different people. In can be the actual religious concept of evil, the adversity of nature or overcoming one’s own weaknesses. The symbolism of the panther tattoo is completely up to the bearer of the design. But, you can be sure of one thing when getting this tattoo inked into your skin. It’s a powerful tribute to your ability to overcome all obstacles no matter what they are. It’s all up to you.
Generally, panther tats evoke a primal appeal. Panther tattoo designs, of course, vary from a small and simple face of the animal to more intricate designs that may extend the length of one’s back (if that is the desired spot for the tattoo). As to what the panther stands for, again there are multiple meanings. People commonly associate the panther with strength, power, nimbleness and a quick sharp mind. These cat qualities also happen to be traits that most leaders emulate. If you feel you don’t possess any of these traits, but will still consider panther tattoo designs among your favored options, then just make sure that you will be happy with your choice. These designs are not just for men anymore. Panther tattoos are now consider to be unisex. Many aggressive and daring women have no reservations about being inked with blank panther tattoos that connote not just beauty but courage and fearlessness, especially when it comes to protecting their family. The panther tattoo in the picture represents the usual design qualities of the panther. It’s fierce, striking and in my opinion kind of scary looking. If you take a moment to look at the design you may become inspired to get one that fits your particular style.
Shark Tattoos preview
Shark Tattoos preview
The shark is the only creature I know of that must keep moving to stay alive. It’s gills that allow it to breath do no operate unless water is moving through them and that means simply that if a shark is no swimming, it is not breathing. And that is one reason why a shark is known as a relentless beast. The fact that it absolutely will not stop is not really its fault. It’s just built that way. Thus shark tattoos can be meant to represent something vicious that just will not stop, unless it is dead. Few enemies could be as frightening.
Shark tattoos, though not a popular design element, is a striking representation of one of the most fearsome animals known to man. As a matter of fact, in Western cultures, the shark is viewed as the world’s greatest predator, and the shark tattoo a symbol of power and fearlessness. It’s been a long tradition among sailors to have a shark tattoo as proof you are not afraid of death at sea – and for protection. Western sailors, always a superstitious lot, regarded the shark as a kind of sea vulture, sniffing out imminent death and hanging around boats, waiting for a meal. Sharks are nothing less then automated feeding machines, swimming the great depths and devouring prey. The shark has even made it into mainstream culture appearing in horror movies such as Jaws and Deep Blue Sea and even in animated movies made for kids such as Shark Tale. Regardless of whether you want a shark tattoo that’s realistic, scary or even cute then their is your perfect design just waiting for you in thousands of pieces of flash. Or if you prefer, get a shark tattoo especially designed just for you. Your favorite tattoo parlor will be more then happy to work a design out with you.
Design Easy Face Painting
Kids love face painting, they are fascinated by seeing others get their faces painted and wait in anticipation to see their face design. My daughter's fifth birthday is approaching and I was desperately, wanting a crash course on how to do it myself, so that I wouldn't have to hire a face painting artist to do my party.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.
Practice your simple face painting designs, and you are ready for your first party. Start out with your child's birthday, kids love their faces painted and will be uncaring if it's not perfect. Use thin first layer, wait until it is fully dry before beginning final designs. Hint: to pop the designs outline your design with a thin line of black around the face designs.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!
My cousin, who brought out her face painting kit on my daughter's first birthday, is a real artist and she is sells her paintings at our local galleries, however, she uses her artistic talents to make money through face painting. Or perhaps you are a stay at home Mom who wants to make money and be available to her kids after school is out, face painting could be for you.
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.
The key is to start with easy face painting designs. The face designs should easy enough to be able to use small sponges cut into circles, triangles, rectangles, diamonds, dab them into the face paint and place it on the skin, leaving a base design that you can build upon or finish off with a little highlight, lowlight, or shading. Use a different sponge for each color; you will need multiple sponges in the same designs for each of the colors you are using.
A great time to practice face painting designs is at Halloween. On a night of horrors, the little odd wavering of a line will be hidden in the dark of trick or treat. If you are unsure of your ability practice on your own hand, close your hand into a fist and paint the top of it. Halloween is the most popular time of the year for face painting. The face painting design include, vampires, ghouls, witches, and ghosts.
Face painting ideas should be simple, fun, and something you have practiced. The more you practice the faster you become and the more faces you can paint.
Face painting design supplies should consist of good paintbrushes. Good paintbrushes will have the bristles securely fastened into the brush end, otherwise, the bristles will fall out and become part of the face painting design. You will spend several minutes pulling bristles out of the design. Good brushes cost between $3-10, and they will last you a long time. Invest in sponges and cut them into different designs like circles, stars, triangles, rectangles, ovals, and any other shape you can imagine. Remember to disinfect all items between faces to keep things sanitary. All face paints should state on the labels that they are face paints and they are okay to use on the skin, start out with two or three paint brushes, and a small range of colors, the basic palettes have white, black, green, red, yellow, purple, and orange. Other fun items to use with the face paints are glitter, stick on gems, stencils, and face painting stamps.
Great items for amateur face painters are stencils and face painting stamps. The face painting stamps are made of rubber and you place in on your face painting paint pad and you have an outline of the design, then you fill in the stamp design with color.
Stencils are outlines of shapes; they are picture version of the ABC's your child might use to learn to hold their pencils in nursery school. You mix and match the designs and use a base color and dab the small areas of the stencil or the entire stencil. Next, you put on the highlights and final touches. Hint, girls love glitter and body gems after all they are princesses!
Where can you put your new talent of face painting to work? Your child's next birthday party, the next fundraiser at your child's school, fairs, Fourth of July, parades, festivals, or you can start your own business.
Starting a face painting design business begins with volunteering your services at charity events, your child's birthday parties, and very shortly, it will morph into a steady business with a line of kids waiting their turn to get their faces painted.
Face painting at charity events allows you to work on your face painting designs and develop your painting speed. Once your speed increases, begin by setting up a small canopy on the Fourth of July or Good Friday at the fair and paint away. The best way to advertise your new face painting design business is word of mouth. Build your face painting design portfolio with testimonials and photos of face designs of which you are especially proud.
When you are ready to graduate from charity events to paid business, you now need to research your area and find out, how much are face painters paid? Is a face painting design booth less money per face then private parties? Do not price yourself out of the market and remember it just might help to have lower prices to bring in clientele. Have your business cards ready to give out to anyone who asks if you do private parties. Business cards can be made at home with the help of Avery products.
Another avenue for face painting is at restaurants, as they might have a kid's eat free night and have special entertainment throughout the meal. Children's museums and creative art facilities or a community center will be a great place to begin looking for business. Another avenue for marketing could be at your significant other's corporate picnic or event.
If your community offers summer camps, where kids are, face painting will be a hit! Your child's school, fundraising events, and carnivals are great sources of income. Craft Shows are great place to have a booth. Bookstores sometimes want to launch a child's book and a great way to draw children to children's books is to hire a face painter. Theme parks and cruises ships are also great places to look for new business and the latter will give you a free exotic vacation too!
Whether you are looking to learn face painting design for your child's next birthday or as a new, fun way to have some pocket money, remember, face painting is fun and you can make wonderful memory's for your own child and someone else's too.
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Fairy Tattoos
Fairy tattoos can be done in a wide array of styles including looking mischievous, cute, and dream-like or whatever else you might want to express. They are also very scalable and and easily tattooed to just about any location on the body making them an ideal tattoo design. Since each individual fairy tattoo can be done in a variety of different styles and can also hold a variety of different meanings. Fairy tattoos often represent some feeling or attitude that the person wishes to portray about themselves. They can act as sort of an alter ego. The person bearing a cute fairy tattoo might want to express their feelings of joy for the world and warmheartedness. Yet, a fairy tattoo can just as easily be depicting as very sexy and even provocative,expressing something that the person bearing the tattoo wants others to know about them or something they desire for themselves to embody. Universally, fairies were often depicted as being mischievous and dangerous for mere mortals to come in contact with. But, that is just one side of the fairy tattoo motif and most people prefer to concentrate on the positive aspects of fairies which include youth, playfulness and magic.
If your interested in getting a fairy tattoo there are a few consideration that you need to make. One, Fairy tattoos are flexible in their design, the size can easily be adjusted and they can look great on just about any location on the body. But, you still need to take into account your body shape and the location of where your going to put the design. After all, your fairy tattoo is going to be a permanent part of your body so you just don’t want to slap it willy-nilly on just any old body part. The other thing you should consider is the mood and pose of the fairy. Of course a fairy can be done in a cartoon style with a cute cartoon style girl. Or it can be a very realistic looking fairy. The mood of the fairy will convey a lot for the meaning behind the tattoo. If you just want to get the tattoo to get one then it is better to wait and carefully make your decision. The last thing that you need to consider is the general color of your fairy tattoo. Since they are a mythological creature, your options are practically unlimited here though. Want a purple fairy? Then go for it. Your imagination is your only limitation.
Tattoo Font
Tattoo Font
I really like the tattoo font when it is used just as an outline and then the colors around it make it kind of hollow looking. From what I hear a lot of the Asian gangs in Los Angeles use this font when they are tagging walls in their neighborhoods. Some people see the tags and they head down the road very, very fast not wanting to run into that particular artist. I could see this font used a lot if you were going to do a small tattoo down the side of your leg. It would really stand out big time.
Tattoo Tribal
Tattoo Tribal
Even though tattoos seem to be part of a modern fashion, it is believed that their history began about five thousand years ago in the bronze age. They have been used in many cultures through history, and were as diverse as the people who wore them. Tattoo tribal was one of those styles that became very big around the world and was used by many different tribal cultures around the world. Tribal cultures who did not know each other but never the less came up with a very similar style of tattoos.The tribal tattoos are among the coolest looking tattoos one can find out there. They always have a very symmetrical look and feel to them and are usually designed in a way where thick but sharp lines are set up in a very precise manner. Look at the circle here in this picture. I can see the face of a dragon in it. Can you? It may never even have meant to portray a dragon but that is what I see and that is part of what makes tribal tattoos so cool. Ten people might look at one and see ten different things. The one thing for sure is that all ten people will think it looks cool. Go tattoo tribal!
Tattoo Tribal
When it comes to tattoo tribal style this one that we are looking at here is a major piece of work. One that comes from the arm, up around the shoulder and goes all the way down the side of the back. It is a very traditional tribal tattoo in as much as it has the strong lines, the hard angles, and all of the intertwining pieces that always cross and go under or over each other in this type of artwork. And this one is very well done too. And I am sure it took considerable time to complete.A tattoo like this should not be gotten lightly. Sure, it looks cool, but one must be sure that they are ready to live with such a big piece of body art on them for the rest of their live. Even if you are a super tough guy who wants to portray that with a tattoo like this, the day will come in your life when you are not so tough anymore. It comes to us all, but the tattoo will still be there. So before getting something like this please consider it very, very carefully. And if you still want it, go for it and enjoy.
Chest Tattoos
Chest Tattoos
Chest tattoos are often a favorite piece for a tattoo artistic to do because of the expansive amount of space in which to work with. Chest tattoos are also called chest pieces and they shouldn’t be confused with womens tattoos placed on the breast. Those tattoos are usually smaller than the chest tattoo which is a large piece designed to cover the entire area of the chest. The chest tattoo in the picture is a perfect example of a traditional patriotic piece combined with other fascinating elements. It contains the American flag and the bald eagle which are both symbols of freedom. There is also the nautical design of a clipper ship which is very common among sailors and fishermen. Around the border of the design is a laurel wreath which indicates a strong desire for peace. That is a common element in European designs. The whole tattoo is finished off with a huge cherry blossom which holds the laurel wreath in place. The cherry blossom is common in Japanese tattoos and is a reminder of the fleeting nature of life. As you can see, chest pieces can be crafted of several different elements which allows the bearer to make more of a statement then what is usually possible with a smaller piece.Wing Tattoos
Wing Tattoos
I usually like wing tattoos a lot but I am not sure how I feel about this set of them. Apparently on the back of a guy, which is a little strange, these wings seems to be formed by what appears to be long and thin root type of material rather than be made up of wings covered with feathers which one would normally expect to see. I have never seen a set of wing tattoos just like this before and while I do find them interesting I don’t really like the design very much. I prefer the traditional looking wings.These are meant to be angel wings of some type I am sure but I do not know what type that may be. This strikes me as something that would come out of the woods or the trees or something like that. I am not at all sure and I am not going to guess. All I can say is that they look earthy. If anybody out there know what these are meant to be I would love to hear from you. Really.
Wing Tattoos
As far as the rings go your guess is as good as mine. Perhaps they are meant to stand for a bonding of sorts. A joining of two souls if you will. Or perhaps the connection between two hearts. Something having to do with love and a relationship I would think. As far as wing tattoos go this much smaller on could be a good alternative for someone who wants one that doesn’t cover the better part of their back.
Tribal Back Tattoos
Tribal Back Tattoos
Now this here is a very complete example of what tribal back tattoos look like when they are completed. And this one is a pretty wild looking one, isn’t it? And is it just the way I am seeing it, or is that tattoo meant to be making a big face? Do you see it? I certainly do. Maybe the face of a warrior. Maybe the face of a dragon. I don’t know, but it sure is a face just the same. Eye, nose, mouth, forehead. They are all there as clear as day to me.Maybe this is not a warrior face or a dragon. Maybe it is meant to look like one of those warrior masks, the ceremonial style masks I mean. That much I would believe if someone told it to me. Of course I would tend to believe anything I was told about tribal back tattoos because I really don’t know much.
Whatever kind of face it is meant to be forming, this tattoo is a good tattoo and it’s hot. It looks good and it makes this person look good and frankly I am a bit jealous of this person and their ink. It’s time for me to start looking into one of these tribal back tattoos for myself.
Tribal Back Tattoos
If your contemplating getting a tribal back tattoo you should be sure to choose a design that reflects you aesthetic tastes and personal style. Once you have decided, the hardest and most important part comes: searching for the perfect design to put on your skin. Time and effort is mandatory in finding this perfect design. It can make or break your tattoo and how people will appreciate it. Take the time and the effort, it is definitely worth doing. Here are some tips on finding that elusive design for your tribal back tattoo. One good idea is to find a site which specializes in tattoo images. This site should help provide you with a unique design exclusively for your own use. Once you have chosen your design, you can work with a tattoo artist, and further customize this design for you. This way, your design will truly reflect your unique and personal taste. On pay tattoo sites you will also find groups and communities of other tattoo lovers. These people have a lot of passion and information to share; they are the perfect people to ask anything about your new artwork, especially if you’re a first-timer. Follow these suggestions and you’ll be that much closer to you new prized tribal back tattoo.Evil Tattoos
Evil Tattoos
When people talk of evil tattoo designs they are usually referring to either horror tattoos, as the one shown in the picture, or tattoos that use pagan symbols. This latter category of tattoos mainly deals with the fact that what may be called as "occult". These images are in association with the white witchcraft which has another name called Wicca, the Viking Runes, The Tarot and other magic craft and prophesy. Images like the pentacle which is a five pointed star, or the Athame which is a double edged blade that is used for white witchcraft. There are also images in relation with the four elements which are the fire, water, earth and air. All of the above mentioned images fall under the Wicca tattoos. Many people tend to think that these occult gothic tattoos are evil tattoos. For all those who think like this let me make you clear that what you think is absolutely wrong. These images neither have evil qualities nor do they have anything to do with so called ‘Satanism’. These images are just the signs of prehistoric religions in the medieval period, which gothic tattoo lovers dig out and celebrate by getting these designs etched on their bodies in ink. And the horror designs are not evil tattoos either, nor they do they represent a serious sociopathic personality. It’s just a design that’s cool and shows one’s love for the horror genre.Evil Tattoos
When the topic of evil tattoos are mentioned in public circles, it’s usually in reference to classic horror designs depicting demons and ghouls or tattoos that are of an occult nature. The former characterization is what the grim reaper design in the photo alludes to. It’s a cool design but is far from being an evil tattoo. The grim reaper is a potent symbol of death and a graphic reminder of the transitory nature of life. The grim Reaper and the skull were often used as symbols in medieval and renaissance art as a stark reminder of the fact that life is finite and hints powerfully at the afterlife that awaits us. The grim reaper is often associated as an agent of Satan or the devil, but this is not necessarily the case. The grim reaper is death. Whether the soul goes to heaven or hell or ends up in purgatory depends on the kind of life lived by the recently deceased. So, as you can see this design is by no means an evil tattoo. It’s just symbolic of it’s deeper intrinsic meaning and because of that it often stirs feelings of discomfort in people who view it. But, how seriously can you take the design when it features the grim reaper riding a motorcycle. A cool tattoo? Most definitely. An evil tattoo? I really don’t think so.
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